Jaxon turned 4 almost a month ago, I am just now putting the pictures up! We let Jaxon choose exactly what he wanted to do for his birthday and of all things, he choose dinner at Island's (he calls it "Coney Island's") and then back to our house for "vanilla cupcakes". So with the family, we headed to Island's, then back at home for cupcakes and presents.

He got "work shirt" because Jaxon's main goal in life is to be just like his Daddy!

Uncle Ra-Ra and Tee-Tah (soon to be AUNTIE Tee-Tah in just a few short months!) got Jaxon some new cool shoes to match theirs:)

Corah read all of Jaxon's cards to him...she is such a great reader!

Thanks to Cousin Carey, we got to get signed in at Disneyland. My mom and I took Jaxon and Kendall. We had so much fun!