Saturday, September 18, 2010

Evening at the Fair

Jason and I took the kids to the fair. We did the traditional fair stuff like see the farm animals, eat junk food and went on a few rides. (not us, thank goodness, just Jaxon and Kendall)

Jason wanted to try chocolate covered bacon!!

I would never let my kids eat chocolate covered bacon! Oh, wait, never mind:)

We got to see the baby cow drink it's "ba ba".

They loved the rides!

Haircut #2 and Big Boy Bed

Kendall got her second haircut even though her hair grows very slow, like her mother's! She was a very good girl and sat as still as a statue.

In other news, Jaxon got a Big Boy Bed! We turned his toddler bed into a full size bed. Of course these two had to do some goofing around before we set everything up!

Looking so grown up!