Friday, September 18, 2009

11 Months Old Today!

Just a few pictures of little Miss Kendall...only 1 more month until her first birthday!

Big smile!

Waving bye-bye
Doing "Sooo Big!"

Just relaxing.

Jaxon insisted on sitting with her for a picture.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Two Kids, Two Sets of Hearing Aides

When Kendall was born, she didn't pass her newborn hearing screening. So the next step was a more detailed hearing test when she was two weeks old...still didn't pass. At two months old she had an even more detailed hearing test, where they told me her hearing was on the border line of normal hearing and mild loss. Because it was so minimal, I decided to wait until she was old enough to do a "behavioral hearing test" to confirm the results and get hearing aides if necessary.

Well, today was her test and the results were the same as before: mild hearing loss, which is more hearing that Jaxon has. Hearing aides are recommended for her so that she won't have any type of speech problems (the exact same reason Jaxon has them) and since my insurance covers EVERY PENNY of the hearing aides, we will soon see Kendall wearing pink hearing aides (Jaxon has blue) Jaxon is doing really well with his speech (he NEVER stops talking in fact) so we are sure Kendall will be just fine!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Back to Work...Yuk!

Summer vacation has been over now for a week and I am back to work full time... only temporarily...thank God! I am job sharing but it won't start until January after we get back from Christmas break. This is the hardest thing I've had to do...leave my kids everyday! But at least I'm teaching kindergarten, and in the same room I went to when I was little! I'm counting the days until December, when I don't have to leave my babies every day. Nothing exciting going on so here are a few random pics..
Kendall now loves to get out all of the tupperware and make a mess.
I found my old poms poms in the garage and Jaxon liked playing with them!
Kendall took a ride in a Home Depot bucket...Disneyland is too expensive...gotta invent our own rides;)
We went to the splash pad again and Daddy took Kendall in the water...she loved it!