As everyone well knows, we are in one of the worst economic periods in history. If you are not directly affected by the economy, then you have family and friends who are. Jason's business has been steadily getting slower as the economy has been getting worse. I only worked the first two weeks of this school year and then went on maternity leave to have Kendall. My pay just ran out, and with Jason's business REALLY SLOW, things are very tough. At a last minute decision, Jason and I came to the conclusion that I will have to go back to my classrom for the last 7 weeks of school...that means this Monday!!
I am totally devastated because I have NEVER left Kendall for more than a few hours since she has been born. When Jaxon was born, I stayed home for the first nine months and then went back to work part time and my mom watched him the two days a week I worked. I have loved being home with my babies and now my heart is breaking because I have to leave them every day. My mom will watch them Mondays and Tuesdays and Jason will have to be Mr. Mom the rest of the week. I know things could be a lot worse, so I am trying to find the positive parts in this mess. At least they will be with their Mema and Daddy. Jason will finally see how hard my job really was (and maybe he won't ask anymore, 'what did you do all day?') If Jason gets more work, we have joked he will have to strap Kendall to chest, put a hard hat on Jaxon and take them to the job site!
We have been praying more than ever due to this crazy economy. All around us we hear of family and friends getting layed off, seeing businesses closing and people losing their homes. I definitely took for granted the time I spent with my babies. Ever since we decided that I am going back to work, I have been putting off laundry and chores to just cuddle and play with them. I know a lot of other mommies have to leave their kids too. I just have to get through the next 7 weeks until summer vacation!

Friday, April 24, 2009
Pay Attention Mama!
This is what happens when you try to check your email, send a fax and pay bills online while there is a baby sitting on your lap. Your toddler somehow gets a RED MARKER and writes all over the back of your shirt. Good thing it was washable marker and I put stain remover on it right after it happened! (actually, right after Jaxon's TIME OUT!)

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Time Flies!
Little Miss Kendall is 6 months old today! These past 6 months have gone by SO FAST. The beginning of the pregnancy was easy, but as it got towards the end, I had constant Braxton Hicks contractions and aches and pains everywhere. I was chasing after Jaxon and so I was always tired. When I finally went into labor (she was a week late) everything went smoothly. We got to the hospital around 11:30 at night and she was born at 4:45 a.m. She was a big girl...8 pounds, 13 ounces and looked just like her big brother when he was born! Happy 6 month birthday baby Kendall (AKA Missy Poo Poo, Angel Baby Princess, Baby, Putze Princess and million other nicknames)
Pray for Potty
Jaxon is just starting to potty train (with not much luck). Last night he sat on the pot for 15 minutes with no potty. He asked Daddy to pray so Daddy said, "Dear Jesus, we pray Jaxon goes potty this minute and a poop to go with it!"
Not until Jaxon got off the toilet with his "big boy underwear" on did he go potty and poop! Needless to say, it was not fun cleaning up poop out of underwear, especially after Jaxon reached around and stuck his finger in it.
Not until Jaxon got off the toilet with his "big boy underwear" on did he go potty and poop! Needless to say, it was not fun cleaning up poop out of underwear, especially after Jaxon reached around and stuck his finger in it.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Daddy has been giving Jaxon his haircuts lately. Jaxon stands in the dry bathtub in a diaper and Daddy cuts away. All I ever hear Jason saying is, "STOP MOVING" about a million times. My friend Shannon gave us the idea to give Jaxon a sucker while he gets his haircut (which is what she does with her boys). Jason has to rinse the sucker a lot because it falls in the hair quite a few times.

Two Peas in a Pod
Every time Jaxon wakes up in the morning or from his nap, and I am holding the baby, he INSISTS that she lay in bed with him. He says, "Put baby in Jack-Jack's bed!" If she accidently touches and grabs his blankie, he says, "No, no, no!" and pulls it away. Today I made him pose with her. Kendall was smiling but as soon as I would hold up the camera she would stop.

Monday, April 6, 2009
Just Like Daddy
The Easter Bunny
We went to the mall and the whole way there, I kept asking Jaxon, "Do you want to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap?" He would say yes! As you can see, he doesn't look too thrilled. Kendall was smiling and happy as usual.
We Did It!
Last night, Jaxon was hugging Kendall (more like torturing). She doesn't look too happy! Anyways, Little Miss Kendall wakes up every night for no reason. Yesterday, we bought a sound machine and guess what...she loves the sound of ocean because she never woke up until 6:45 this morning! Hopefully it works again tonight!
Jaxon woke up with a dry diaper so we stripped him down and after he sat on his potty chair for a looong time, he went potty in it! I see potty training in our future. Now we are off the sit on the Easter Bunny's lap...I wonder if Jaxon will freak out like he did last year and on Santa's lap?

Look at Kendall's chubby chipmunk cheeks! Her cheek is all red from Daddy's scratchy face.
Jaxon woke up with a dry diaper so we stripped him down and after he sat on his potty chair for a looong time, he went potty in it! I see potty training in our future. Now we are off the sit on the Easter Bunny's lap...I wonder if Jaxon will freak out like he did last year and on Santa's lap?
Look at Kendall's chubby chipmunk cheeks! Her cheek is all red from Daddy's scratchy face.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Day at Disneyland
In this economy, we normally wouldn't be going to Disneyland. But Jason's birthday was yesterday and he was free. Cousin Carey signed the rest of us in so we were all free! Both Jaxon and Kendall were sooo good! No fussing, whining or bad behavior. Jaxon loved every ride and Kendall got to go on everything...even Pirates of the Caribbean! The grandmas loved watching Jaxon's reaction to everything. We had a great time...and all for free!
Jason got "Happy Birthday" sung to him at lunch.
Jaxon learned how to drink out of a straw for the first Disneyland of all places!
Jaxon loved the Small World!
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